Lack / Limitation

The Lack & Limitation core belief is a perception about…

There never seems to be enough time, energy, money, knowledge, love, etc.

Just when I think I’m getting ahead, something happens and I’m back to where I was.

I feel like I’m just getting by, day to day.

Begin to Heal


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Explore Your Core Beliefs

For more information on your core beliefs:
Lack & Limitation
Death & Dying

Lack & Limitation on the Blog:

Slipping Into Lack Thoughts

Slipping Into Lack Thoughts

Oh Paula.  I listen to your podcast regularly. It has really helped me. I really appreciate the work you are doing. I became dedicated to changing my mind state a while ago and this podcast was exactly what I need to hear every day so I wouldn’t forget what I had...

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You Are Enough!

You Are Enough!

Dear Paula, I need prayer for financial, physical and emotional abundance and to continue my tithing experiment (starting at 1%). — Thanks, Sheila P. Dear Sheila, I see you always knowing that you have enough, are enough and do enough, exactly as you are. I see you...

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