Honor the Lord with thy substance, and with the first fruits of all thine increase.
The Bible, Book of Proverbs (3:9)
Tithing is about saying “thank you,” which always begins with putting some gratitude in our attitude. Giving thanks is about tithing not only with our money, but also with our thoughts, words, actions, time, efforts and possessions. What do these seven types of tithing look like?
1. Tithe from your resources: Give financially to everyone who feeds your spirit in some way. Give freely and joyfully with no expectation of getting anything in return and without judging who or where you give.
2. Tithe from your thoughts: Give thanks to everyone who comes into your life for the role they play in your life, whether or not it was a role you welcomed.
3. Tithe from your words: Speak words of love, gratitude and thanksgiving rather than criticism, condemnation and sarcasm.
4. Tithe from your actions: Act with integrity, honesty and courage rather than fear.
5. Tithe from your time: Volunteer; go out of your way to stop and help someone in need; put down your electronics or newspaper and truly listen when a child is speaking.
6. Tithe from your efforts: Approach everything you do with gratitude and joy, even if it’s not what your ego desires to be doing at that moment.
7. Tithe from your possessions: Give to others, without expecting anything in return.

The above is an excerpt from Paula’s latest book, The Art of Tithing: Harness the Power of Giving Thanks & Create Lasting Inner and Outer Wealth (G&D Media, 2021)