Willing to Be Willing #2

Ever have one of those days where you just plain felt unlovable? Or thought you weren’t as loving as you could have been in your interactions with others – or even yourself?

In the Atonement and Miracles section in Chapter 1 of A Course In Miracles (ACIM), it says:

“You are the work of God, and his work is wholly lovable and wholly loving. This is how a man must think of himself in his heart, because this is what he is.”

Think about that a moment. “Wholly lovable and wholly loving.” Wow! And we MUST think of ourselves this way? Why? Just because this is who we are.

When we become willing to recognize that it’s an error to think that we — or anyone else — are less than wholly lovable and wholly loving, miracles happen. Because the power to work miracles belongs to us. Our ability and achievement of these miracles rests in our willingness to accept ourselves – and each other – as we truly are.

TODAY…I am willing to be willing to be willing…to accept my wholeness and the wholeness of others. Pass it on… 

Pass it on… to someone who pops into your mind. Chances are, they could use this message – or they are the stewards of the message and they are meant to pass it along to someone else.

All my love,