Willing 2 Be Willing 2 Be Willing #3

The Lord’s Prayer contains a line that says “lead us not into temptation.” There are SO many ways to interpret what this means about things that are going on OUTSIDE us. But what does it mean about things that are going on INSIDE us?

In the Atonement and Miracles section of Chapter 1 of the text of A Course In Miracles (ACIM), it says that:

“lead us not into temptation” means “recognize your errors and choose to abandon them by following my guidance.”

Think about that a moment. I love that it doesn’t simply say “abandon” our errors. It says CHOOSE TO abandon our errors. And then it gives us direction on exactly HOW we can do that: By following God’s guidance.

And what IS God’s guidance? To recognize and accept our wholeness and to act from that truth in our lives. Making conscious choices to reaffirm our willingness to accept our wholeness and our goodness. And to see that in others too, even when it’s obscured by fear.

From this place of empowerment, I can easily recognize my errors of thoughts, words and actions. 

I can recognize when my choices are willingly made from ego’s error thoughts that I’m somehow “less than.” 

I can recognize when my choices are willingly made with Spirit’s guidance. 

And I can choose again at each and every moment what it is I want to see in this world.

TODAY…I am willing to be willing to be willing…to recognize my errors and choose to abandon them by following Divine Guidance. Pass it on…